
Welcome to our website

We are a congregation first organized in 1897 to worship God and to provide the first school for the children of Yancey County. 


We may be different than other churches you might visit, and we hope you feel it when you join us in person or watch a service online. We are an inclusive spiritual community seeking to live out a more just and generous Christianity.

Here at FPC Burnsville, we think that faith is less about doctrines and dogmas, demanding total agreement, and more about a life to be lived, enjoyed, and shared with others in loving acceptance.

What unites us is a growing awareness that life is a gift and love is the point. We want to learn how to love better and share that with the world.

We welcome the entire human family regardless of race, age, creed, physical abilities, marital or economic status, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Welcome. We’re glad you’re here. 

Pastor: Rev Joe Bennett

Sunday Schedule

 We would love to see you in person, but you can also join us live on Sunday mornings at 10:30 for a worship service or watch past worship services at this link:  https://www.facebook.com/BurnsvilleFirstPresbyterianChurch

Feel free to share any comments or questions that might be on your mind through our online guest book. If you're not currently a member of our church - we'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to one of our weekly services

If you would like to be part of our mailing list, please email us and we will be glad to add you! fpcburnsville@gmail.com

Join Us On Facebook - Become a member of our group. It is a great way to communicate. It's easy to create an account. Just click on the icon to join.